
Office numbers starting with a "6" refer to the remaining offices on the sixth floor of the main faculty building.

Phone numbers show the last 4 digits, which are the internal numbers within the university. From outside please add: +56 - 41 - 220.

The e-mail addresses show the name-part only. To use them please add: (at) astro (dash) udec (point) cl.

Within a list we keep alphabetical order.

Name Office Phone E-mail Homepage
Bandyopadhyay, Bidisha 216 bbandyopadhyay
Bi, Da 207 +56 930234341 dbi224 (at
Gallenne, Alexandre alexandre (point) gallenne (at) gmail (point) com
Karczmarek, Paulina 619 pkarczmarek
Koley, Atanu 211 +56 971011680 akoley Link
Nair, Dhanya 211  dhanyanair
Pietrzynski, Grzegorz 6xx 7268 pietrzyn
Rosales, Jaime 216 jrosales
Sasikumar, Silpa +91 9868042379 silpaskumar93 (at) gmail (point) com
Villanueva, Vicente 211 1646
Zhang, Gao-Yuan 223 +56 937874893 gaoyuan
Zgirski, Bartłomiej 619 bzgirski

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