
Office numbers starting with a "6" refer to the remaining offices on the sixth floor of the main faculty building.

Phone numbers show the last 4 digits, which are the internal numbers within the university. From outside please add: +56 - 41 - 220.

The e-mail addresses show the name-part only. To use them please add: (at) astro (dash) udec (point) cl.

Within a list we keep alphabetical order.

Picture Name Office Phone E-mail Homepage
Bovino, Stefano 222 7248 stefanobovino Link
Demarco, Ricardo 202 7247 rdemarco Link
Fellhauer, Michael 221 3438 mfellhauer Link
Geisler, Douglas 207 3092 dgeisler ---
Gieren, Wolfgang 6xx 3103 wgieren ---
Herrera-Camus, Rodrigo 218 1626 rhc Link
Krapp, Leonardo 210 1358 lkrapp Link
Leigh, Nathan 216 1652 ---
Martínez, Mary Loli 108 7246 ---
Mennickent, Ronald 204 3106 rmennick ---
Nagar, Neil 203 7171 nagar ---
Reeves, Rodrigo 220 3476 rreeves ---
Richtler, Tom 218 266-1626 trichtler ---
Schleicher, Dominik 212 1649 dschleicher Link
Stutz, Amelia 210 7269 astutz ---
Villanova, Sandro 213 1441 svillanova ---

Professors; 2017

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